Channeling the Butterflies

Dear Community – Juliet “here” again,

Hi from our slice of New York City sky – where summer storms blanket Inwood, new monarch butterflies come to from cocoons on our corner, and we celebrate the *wins* of early donors and finding an accountant we adore!

Recalibrating to add “LLC Owner” to my toolbelt finds me…*at the moment,* laughing – 

I admire the inner-compasses of our winged monarch neighbors, whose neurons navigate innately come migration, tuned into electromagnetic waves that guide the way to their ideal environment.

Musicals do this, too – or, at least they try to: seek supportive spaces for the stories they aim to amplify and thrive. While my creative antennae picked-up this show *years* ago, it’s wild to have this official financial channel finally open! 

As we ease into this inaugural raise, we’re touched by the diversity of initial funding sources – relationships forged through childhood playdates, improv classes, law school – a (my) labrum tear!  

(Upon receipt of any contribution, I’ve gotten into the habit of pausing to acknowledge the kind gesture – cheering/dancing accordingly! – wishing prosperity back in the direction of the donor via my own inner-compass. To those who’ve donated already: know that dance parties were had in your honor!) 

The candid reality is that what we build in 2025 (and beyond) shall be decided by the resources that come forward this year – you, dear community, are the waves forming this musical’s migration pattern.   

Our goal is 100K by year-end – to produce a pair of *shareable* 2025 treasures: (1) a *filmed* (third!) room with full cast and creative Team, incorporating choreography and projection; (2) an audio album of the show (for release, including streaming).   

What’s on-deck *now*: whipping our full piano-vocal score into professional shape with the help of a talented orchestrator (so it’s set for 2025), while widening outreach efforts. (Social media’s my next mountain – I’ve taken classes, invested in screen-friendly glasses, attempting to literally and figuratively reframe how I view Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram… Got tips? I want ‘em!!) 

Please consider sending some friendly frequencies outward from your corners of the sky – share this site with anyone you think might, too, be drawn to bring this magical musical into existence…

(Testimonials and IG follows remain great gifts – also, a friendly reminder to those in the corporate world: we/Aisle & Lens *embrace* employer donation matching programs!)

Thank you for supporting the arts – thank you for supporting new work – thank you for supporting us.

We love hearing from you and continue to welcome your questions, perspectives, and good vibrations!



It Takes a Village